Monday, November 21, 2016

Professional Learning Network

Journal #7

Before when I wanted to learn about something I googled it and I went through the results.  Now all I need to do is have a hashtag and I can start following a topic that sounds interesting to me.  For me the two that I used the most in this class were twitter and digg.  From this experience I learned how to use twitter.  I had never had an account before so I started to follow topics that I found interesting.  It was an easy way to keep up with the election.  I also used digg which allowed me to put all of my favorites to one page.  I do not need to go to several different websites anymore to read my news.  I am able to use digg and compare news stories from different sources.  I believe that it is important for educators to use tools such as these ones to stay informed and to help keep others informed with current developments. It saves me time everyday when I want to read the news.  It also sends me notifications to my phone when their is an important information is released.

Q1: Will you continue using twitter and digg?
A1: I will continue using both of them but I think I will probably use twitter more.

Q2: Which did you use more during this class twitter or digg?

A2: I used twitter a lot more than I used digg.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Journal 6: Self Reflection

Journal #6

I have learned a lot over the first five weeks I have been in GED 512.  I knew a little about HTML and how to type it out in notepad but it was my first time dealing with CSS.  I find it useful now that I learned that I could make a CSS document to style all of my pages.  It saves me from putting it into each page.  The most difficult assignment that I have had during the first five weeks was the chapter 9 book exercise.  When I was going through the code of how they wanted it mine always showed up differently when it was launched. It took me a while but I read through the HTML document to see if I had spelling mistakes and other trouble shooting methods.  I eventually found out that the final example that I had to download had a flaw they did not end the fieldset correctly so the layout was different. The most rewarding assignment was when I linked all of the HTML pages for the chapter 6. That assignment showed me that the more organized you are the easier it is to make sure that the links work on your pages. It took a little while but I fully understand how to link pages and that it is easier when they are together.

most difficult assignment chapter 9 book exercise

rewarding assignment chapter 6 book exercise

Q1:What advice would you give other students who are taking this class?
A1:I would recommend not using notepad or text editor to work on these assignments.  You need a program that can keep your information organized. I like using dreamweaver because it is easy to keep all of my files organized and I can see live updates of the changes I make in My HTML documents.

Q2:What do you want to learn more about for the rest of the quarter?

A2:I would like to learn more about CSS. I want my final website to look professional and I need a good design.  I would also like to learn about other features that I can embed in my HTML files.