Monday, October 31, 2016

Journal 5: Try Twitter

Journal #5

I am new to the world of twitter.  If I were to use twitter in a classroom I would use it to remind students of the homework problems that they were assigned.  I read through the 35 interesting ways to use twitter in the classroom.  It had the same one that I would do by making an account for homework.  This is also a great way for parents to follow me so that they can see what homework that I am assigning.  I think it would be a great way to get parents more involved in the class.  Their are some great ways that I can use twitter for my classroom.  I do no think that I would use the location one that they suggested.  I really did like the useful hashtags.  I already am following #TED because I enjoy watching the stories that they offer.  I feel like the useful hashtags are more for personal development.  I do not come across many TED talks that I could use in the classroom.  I am discovering new things everyday and I am personalizing twitter for myself.  I am not the type of person who publishes very often to social media.  I enjoy looking at the interesting things that National Geographic and NASA are posting.  I will continue to use twitter but I will have to see how I will use it in the classroom when I become a teacher.

Q1: How will students use twitter to help them in the classroom?
A1: If the teacher has a twitter account for the classroom the students are able to follow it and keep up to date with the assignments.  They will also be able to ask their classmates questions that they might have on the homework.  This will help students collaborate outside of the classroom.

Q2: How to use social media to help students succeed?

A1: If I am going to use twitter to and want students to collaborate using it. I am going to have them answer their classmates questions about the homework problems.  I would rather have another student teach the concept to their classmate.  If I need to step in and clarify things then I will.


  1. To elaborate on Q2, Twitter would also be a nice way to oversee the conversation. If a student is helping another student with a math problem via Twitter, the teacher can follow the trending conversation and perhaps observe where the classroom shortfalls might be, or discover that the lesson plan may need to be adjusted to better accommodate the learning style of the students.

  2. I think we discussed this in class but while I do think having a twitter account to post homework reminders is a good thing, we must also be weary of providing too much easy to access information. If per say you forget to tweet an assignment, I would think many of the students might come back and say they didn’t know they had homework that day. That is why I personally prefer a web page for this kind of thing so the students have to put work in on their end to get the info.
